Analyzing Time: Leading Classrooms
The educator examines how time is used in their classroom and identifies areas to redesign for more effective learning/leading opportunities.
Analyzing Time: Leading Colleagues/Teams
The educator analyzes the use of time in their professional environment to improve alignment of time with strategic goals.
Leveraging Leadership Strengths
The educator deepens their understanding of their leadership strengths and how to apply that knowledge to leverage strengths in collective leadership work.
Building an Effective Team
The educator builds an effective collective leadership team based on individual's' strengths in order to implement a project plan.
Cultivating a Shared Purpose
The educator will identify a team of educators who will cultivate a shared purpose to engage in the design of a collective leadership project based on an identified need.
Aligning to a Shared Purpose
The educator will work with a team to identify behaviors that align with their shared purpose and create protocols to ensure alignment to the shared purpose.
Redesigning Learning Plans
The educator reviews a variety of approaches to redesigning learning time and applies new knowledge to create a plan for redesigned learning time for their learning environment.
Engaging Key Stakeholders
The educator considers the perspectives of various stakeholders and engages them to gain support and advance their leadership plan.
Managing Change
The educator develops a plan to support other stakeholders to ensure an effective transition to a new approach to something in their school.