This stack is designed to provide educators with the tools to develop quality lesson plans with the rigor that promotes learning for all students.
What You'll Demonstrate
You will demonstrate the essential components of planning that maximize student-centered instruction and assessment.
Who Should Apply
- PK12 educators
- Instructional coaches
- Education support professionals

Building on Prior Knowledge
The educator creates assignments that require students to connect standards-based content to their prior experiences through the interpretation and analysis of the content.

Creating Formative Assessments
The educator creates, adapts, and uses formative assessment effectively to gauge student learning and promote student engagement.

Planning a Data-Driven Lesson
The educator analyzes an assessment dataset to create an instructional plan that addresses students’ learning needs.

Planning: Facilitating Learner Reflection
The educator plans activities to facilitate learner reflection within a lesson.

Planning Lessons: The 5Es
The educator plans a guided inquiry lesson using the 5Es (Engage, Explore, Explain, Extend, Evaluate) learning cycle instructional framework.

Responding to Formative Assessment
The educator creates and uses formative assessment tools that provide data about students’ current understanding of lesson objectives and analyzes results to determine how to modify instruction to increase student mastery.

Understanding Formative Assessment
The educator creates formative assessment tools that provide data about students' current understanding of lesson objectives and explains how future instruction needs to be modified to increase student mastery.

Understanding Co-Teaching
The educator reviews a vignette and selects a co-teaching approach that is appropriate to integrate and provides justification for their approach.

Creating Formative Assessments
The teacher monitors and uses date gain.

Responding to Formative Assessments
The teacher monitors and uses date derived from formative assessments to inform instruction.