51 Teachers. 17 Coaches. 3 Years.
Each spring, we proudly recognize the latest group of educators who finish CarolinaTIP, an induction and retention program for novice teachers. We want to take a moment to reflect on the impact this program has on the lives of its participants.
CarolinaTIP is more than just a support system. It’s a community that helps candidates find their individual ways as educators. With seven years of proven success – over 90% of our participants remain in the teaching profession after completing the program – we know our program is making a real difference in the lives of teachers.
Participants have the opportunity to regroup and refocus with colleagues outside their schools who understand the ups and downs of teaching. Through regular meetings and coaching sessions, teachers gain valuable insights and practical strategies for balancing the demands of the job. The program is designed to be a safe, external space where participants can openly navigate challenges without fear of judgment or evaluation.
“It’s a great way to ease into this intense job, providing a support system that is not only encouraging but also real about what actually goes on in the classroom,” said a program participant.
But don’t just take our word for it. Teachers who have been through the program rave about the experience. Many have expressed their gratitude for the program, saying it was the reason they made it through their first years in the profession. Participants feel the program is a lifeline, providing the support and guidance they need to succeed.
“It saved me from leaving the profession,” one completer admitted.
CarolinaTIP is a place where teachers can share their struggles and concerns while receiving support and encouragement from coaches and peers who understand what they are going through. Participants have the freedom to ask questions, share their fears, and celebrate their triumphs in a safe and supportive environment. Personalized support from trained Carolina Coaches is one of the hallmarks of the induction program.
The program is also a great way to connect with others who are going through similar experiences to gain valuable insights and practical strategies for navigating the challenges of the classroom.
“This was the best choice (to join this program). I felt very supported throughout my three years when I felt like giving up,” said another completer.
We are honored to have played a part in the journey of our most recent group of TIP completers and look forward to seeing the impact they will make in the lives of their students. For those who have been a part of CarolinaTIP, the experience has been a defining part of their teaching journey. As a result of their participation, they’ve become more effective, compassionate, and committed teachers.
Perhaps most importantly, CarolinaTIP has given a sense of belonging to a community of educators who understand the joys and challenges of teaching. They’ve gained a deeper understanding of themselves and their role as educators, which has helped them to become more confident and self-assured in the classroom.
We are thrilled to congratulate these dedicated educators on their completion of the program and wish them all the best as they continue to grow and thrive in their teaching careers.

2024 CarolinaTIP Completers
Lexi Abate
Iman Askar
Paola Barnes
Drew Blocker
Morgan Bostick
Amanda Bowens
MacKenzie Cleary
Meredith Cook
Vaviel Crane
Randi Dawkins
Erin Donoghue
Casey Emerson
Emily Fairhart
Toni Heriot
Haley Jett
Jadell Johnson
Kaitlin Jones
Daisy Keese
Alexis Kelly
Maria Kerr
Allie Landry
Worth Lewallen
Mark Lisle
Paris Lloyd
Olivia Loynes
Stephanie Lucas
Jason Magni
Hannah Magraw
Eli Mahoney
Loretta Maricle
Kelly McCullough
Ruthie Meiler
Daysia Mims
Jimmy O’Dell
Ajhia Parker
Cierra Parnell
Tenise Peay
Hannah Queen
Patricia Reed
Lauren Rimpf
Nicole Riso
Jyleen Rodriguez
Blake Serpas
Cassandra Smith
Tyler Steele
Sarah Steeves
Alyssa Stephens
Sandra Sulton
McKenzie Taylor
Katey Tyler
Karlie Valdez
Joshua Whisnant