Our Reach

Supporting Facts

Meeting New Teachers Where They Are: The People & Programs That Make A Difference

By Dr. LaToya Curry-Jones LaToya remembers the day she laid her mother to rest like it was yesterday. Life changed suddenly and forever the day before she was supposed to have her degree conferred.…

CarolinaCAP: A Model for Alternative Certification that Works

By Dr. Remona Jenkins, Director of Teacher Quality & Staff Development, Kershaw County School District Allyson, a kindergarten instructional assistant, first heard about CarolinaCAP through a…

It’s Never Too Late: Walk in Your Purpose with CarolinaCAP’s Support

By Tina M. Ramos-McBride Have you ever felt like you’re running a race a mile behind everyone at every turn, but then you blink and become a contender? You can see the cheering fans, the trophies…

CarolinaCAP – Quarterly Report / Year Four : Q3

The CarolinaCAP alternative teacher certification pathway provides a high-quality teaching experience to its candidates as well as superior and regularly enhanced supports to its district partners,…

CarolinaCAP: Coaching Gets to the Art and Heart of Teaching

By Benita Hughes Could individualized coaching and support possibly be the missing piece needed for teacher retention? The Carolina Collaborative for Alternative Preparation (CarolinaCAP) candidates…

CarolinaCAP – Quarterly Report / Year Four : Q2

In the second quarter of our fourth year of existence, CarolinaCAP continued to strengthen its impact in the state of South Carolina through pivotal growth in classroom placements and candidate…

CarolinaCAP: Experienced Educators Plant Seeds of Hope

By Dr. Ernestine Young Have you ever planted a seed that blossomed into a beautiful flower? I have. My two years as a CarolinaCAP Coach have been a rewarding and fruitful experience. The journey…

CarolinaCAP – Quarterly Report / Year Four : Q1

CarolinaCAP’s impact across the state continued to flourish during the first quarter of our fourth year of existence. In addition to launching an innovative residency program that provides additional…

U.S. Department of Labor certifies CarolinaCAP as an apprenticeship with assistance from Apprenticeship Carolina

This designation allows increased benefits for program participants. The Carolina Collaborative for Alternative Preparation (CarolinaCAP) is now a certified apprenticeship through Apprenticeship…

Lead and Follow: My Journey to the Classroom

by Rashard Burrows Since primary school, teachers have told us to take initiative and be leaders rather than followers. When transitioning in a line, we were told, “Follow the leader.” But when the…

CarolinaCAP – Year Four Annual Report

CarolinaCAP is delighted to share the annual report for Proviso 1A.66, which summarizes activities in year four of the Carolina Collaborative for Alternative Preparation (CarolinaCAP). The report…

CarolinaCAP – Quarterly Report / Year Three : Q3

As the CarolinaCAP licensure pathway continues to meet the needs of South Carolina school districts by supporting candidates who want to teach in schools across the state, our team is proud to…

CarolinaCAP – Quarterly Report / Year Three : Q2

The CarolinaCAP team is pleased to present to you our Year 3: Quarter 2 report. This quarter, we placed even more CarolinaCAP candidates in districts and schools with hard-to-staff classrooms, and…

CarolinaCAP – Quarterly Report / Year Three : Q1

The CarolinaCAP team is pleased to present our 2022-2023 Quarter One report. After you read this document, please feel free to reach out to us with any questions, comments, or ideas you may have…

Leading With Love: What Impact Will You Leave Behind?

By Kentrina Bridges Being born into a family filled with love makes it easy to love. Showing understanding, compassion, and respect to all becomes automatic. Now imagine you were never provided those…

CarolinaCAP – Year Three Annual Report

The Carolina Collaborative for Alternative Preparation (CarolinaCAP) is a high-quality, targeted alternative preparation pathway administered by the University of South Carolina (UofSC) in…

An Alternative Certification Pathway You Want to Support

By Kathy Schwalbe Recently, a South Carolina teacher posed a question about policymakers continuing to entertain the idea of “shortcuts” for people to become teachers in our state. She asked, “How do…

Rising to the Challenge

By Brad Washington I knew sooner or later that a classroom would be calling my name. I worked with the Boys & Girls Club for more than ten years and as a behavior interventionist for seven years…

From Obstacle to Opportunity: The Story of an Accidental Middle School Teacher

From the time I can remember my answer to the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” was always the same. A teacher. But life is a series of paths filled with unexpected twists and…

CarolinaCAP – Q2 Report

CarolinaCAP continues to meet the needs of South Carolina school districts by supporting candidates who want to teach in schools across the state. Read more about program impact in the Year Two Q2…