The mCrED team at the University of South Carolina College of Education offers micro-credentials and supports to K-12 educators in South Carolina to personalize their professional learning experiences. Micro-credentials are natural extensions of educators’ professional learning journeys, recognizing the informal learning educators are often not credited with having obtained. Our library of offerings has been created specifically for South Carolina leaders and learners by South Carolina leaders and learners.

ENGAGE Sessions To learn more about our micro-credentials and how your organization can benefit from their use, we encourage you to send representatives to one of our ENGAGE sessions. These day-long events are opportunities to learn and strategize about the use of micro-credentials in your district or organization and are offered at no charge as a service to our partners. Future sessions are planned for January, March, and June, and lunch is included. If your district, school, or organization is interested in attending an ENGAGE session in the future, please reach out to us at

“Micro-credentialing makes so much sense when you think about the workload of an educator. With a micro-credential, someone can really focus on a target skill, use job-embedded work as evidence of their competency, and receive real-time feedback. I love that the entire process is chunked while the skill itself is grounded in best practices and research.”

Mary Roueche, Ed.D.
Assistant Director of Recruitment and Onboarding Rock Hill Schools

Announcements & Accomplishments

  • In June, we hosted a Revision Retreat and Developer Workshop. Developers used the data and feedback from pursuers, assessors, and other educators to determine whether our micro- credentials needed revision to offer more clarity.
  • Our developers have recently created new micro-credentials in Whole Child Development, Literacy, Personalized Learning, and Blended Learning. Additional micro-credentials to support induction teachers and teachers going through alternative preparation programs have also been added to our growing library.
  • Currently, we have more than 30 micro-credential stacks of like content/topics. Based on district and organizational feedback, we have now started developing crosswalks for subjects/topics across stacks. For example, a Whole Child Education Crosswalk is being developed with micro- credentials from Family Engagement, Personalized Learning, Leadership, and Multi-tiered Systems of Supports stacks.

By the Numbers

We have made tremendous strides this year developing and offering more than 300 micro-credentials in our catalog. Here is where we stand according to the numbers:
View our By the Numbers Report

“Micro-credentials provide educators with personalized professional learning that is meaningful and relevant to their lived experiences, and they offer the opportunity to demonstrate competency rather than fulfill a seat-time requirement. As districts and organizations across the state realize the powerful potential of micro-credentials, our educator workforce is further strengthened and supported. We, as a state, are walking boldly into the 21st Century with new strategies for professional development.”

Jessica Sharp
South Carolina Program for Infant/Toddler Care

Our Partners

  • SC Department of Education’s Office of Educator Effectiveness and Leadership Development utilizes micro-credentials to support administrators going through the Principal Induction Program and schools participating in the Collective Leadership Institute.
  • SC Department of Education’s Office of Personalized Learning offers more than 1,800 micro-credentials to educators in South Carolina.
  • We also partner with the following organizations to offer micro-credentials across the state:
    • Carolina Collaborative for Alternative Preparation (CarolinaCAP) Mira Education
    • Palmetto State Teachers Association (PSTA)
    • South Carolina Association of Middle Level Educators (SCAMLE)
    • (Five) South Carolina school districts
    • South Carolina Writing Improvement Network (WIN)
    • Vorhees College EPI Center
    • COMING SOON: South Carolina Department of Social Services (DSS)
  • Though mCrED, South Carolina is one of four states participating in the Micro-credentials Partnership of States (MPOS), joining Arkansas, North Carolina, and Wyoming in working to identify opportunities and challenges across states and develop model policy recommendations.

View our Micro-credentials Catalog

Our micro-credentials catalog is organized into topic areas known as stacks. To view our stacks or individual micro-credential offerings, click on the links below.
View full Micro-credential Catalog
View our Micro-credentials by Stacks

Micro-credentials Spotlights

Micro-credential Title: Planning Community-Building Circles
Stack Title: Restorative Practices
Key Method: The educator develops a plan to implement proactive community-building circles that includes the six key elements of the circle process.

Micro-credential Title: Co-creating Learner Profiles
Stack Title: Personalized Learning
Key Method: The educator co-creates learner profiles with students.

Micro-credential Title: Identifying Teacher Leadership Opportunities
Stack Title: Building Leadership Capacity
Key Method: The educator identifies opportunities to lead professional learning in their school and/or district.