Facilitating the Handwashing Process

The educator demonstrates competency in the handwashing practices recommended in the fourth edition of Caring for Our Children.

Creating Literacy Opportunities in Centers

The educator incorporates literacy opportunities and materials in play-based centers.

Creating Number Sense Opportunities in Centers

The educator creates play-based centers incorporating number sense opportunities with materials natural to the center.

Creating One-to-One Correspondence Lesson

The educator creates a lesson teaching one-to-one correspondence counting concepts.

Creating Responsive Routines: Arrival

The educator creates an arrival routine that is responsive to student needs.

Creating Shared Writing Routines

The educator enacts a shared writing routine intended to enhance and enrich literacy practices in the learning environment.

Creating Writing Opportunities in Centers

The educator creates opportunities for writing in center-based play.

Demonstrating the Handwashing Process

The educator demonstrates competency in the handwashing practices recommended in the fourth edition of Caring for Our Children.

Educating Families on Safe Sleep

The educator develops and implements a plan to communicate the use of safe sleep practices at home to families enrolled in child care.

Implementing Intentional Movement During Instruction

The educator implements an intentional movement routine for students during the entirety of the instructional day.

Implementing Question-of-the-Day

The educator enacts a question-of-the-day routine intended to enhance and enrich writing and numeracy practices in the learning environment.

Implementing Responsive Routines-Arrival

The educator implements an arrival routine that is responsive to student needs.