Implementing Safe Sleep Practices
The educator uses the ABCs of Safe Sleep (Alone, Back, Crib) to reduce the risk of infant death due to unsafe sleep.
Modeling Self-Talk Strategies
The educator models self-talk strategies intended to teach students problem-solving skills.
Planning: Phonemic Awareness Instruction
The educator demonstrates an understanding of how to plan for effective phonemic awareness instruction.
Using Mindfulness Strategies: Grounding
The educator uses the mindfulness strategy of grounding to support children's emotional regulation in the learning environment.
Documenting Progress with Portfolios
The educator collects evidence of a child’s development in a portfolio to document progress over time.
Creating Responsive Routines - Rest Time
The educator creates a rest time routine that is responsive to children’s needs.
Using Observations: Next Steps
The educator uses documented child observations to identify developmental next steps outlined in the South Carolina Early Learning Standards.
Developing Language Through Play
The educator provides evidence demonstrating how students engaged in various language practices to support language development in the context of play.
Embedding Literacy Experiences: Play
The educator provides evidence demonstrating how students engaged with various types of literacy experiences in the context of play.
Facilitating Learning Centers
The teacher develops and implements a management plan for effective utilization of early childhood classroom learning centers to enhance and enrich children’s learning.
Creating Learning Centers
The educator creates learning centers intended to effectively enhance and enrich children's learning in an early childhood learning environment.