Teaching Commas: Locations/Addresses

The educator collects and analyzes two students’ use of commas with locations and addresses in their own writing.

Teaching Commas: Nonrestrictive Elements

The educator collects and analyzes at least two students' use of commas to set off nonrestrictive/parenthetical elements and to indicate a pause, break, or omission in their own writing.

Teaching Commas: Parallel Structures

The educator collects and analyzes two students’ use of commas to separate adjacent, parallel structures in their own writing.

Teaching Commas: Subordinate Clauses

The educator collects and analyzes two students’ use of commas after introductory clauses in sentences in their own writing.

Teaching Commas: Tag Questions

The educator collects and analyzes two students’ use of commas to set off tag questions from the rest of the sentence in their own writing.

Teaching Conjunctions: Subjective Adverbs

The educator collects and analyzes two students’ use of semicolons with conjunctive adverbs to link two or more closely related independent clauses in their own writing.

Teaching Conventional Spelling: Prefixes

The educator collects and analyzes two students’ use of conventional spelling to add hyphenated and unhyphenated prefixes to base words.

Teaching Conventional Spelling: Suffxes

The educator collects and analyzes two students’ use of conventional spelling to add suffixes to base words.

Teaching Conventions: Colons

The educator collects and analyzes two students’ use of colons to introduce lists and quotations in their own writing.

Teaching Conventions: Dashes

The educator collects and analyzes at least two students’ use of dashes to set off nonrestrictive/parenthetical elements and to indicate a pause, break, or omission in their own writing.

Hyphenating Words: Avoiding Misinterpretation

The educator collects and analyzes two students’ use of hyphens in words to avoid misinterpretation in their own writing.

Hyphenating Attributive Adjective Phrases

The educator collects and analyzes student’s use of hyphens in attributive adjective phrases in their own writing.