Amplifying the Teacher’s Voice: A Journey with CarolinaCrED Micro-Credentials

by Cathy Lacey Imagine a world where professional development is not just a checkbox on a to-do list but a personal empowerment and validation journey. What if the skills you master today could…

Supporting Early Childhood Educators: An Investment in South Carolina’s Future

by Jessica Sharp Childcare is in crisis (South Carolina Children’s Trust, 2024). According to the First Five Years Fund, “South Carolina’s economy loses $1.4B annually due to child care challenges.”…

Unshadowing the power of language(s): Building the confidence of multilingual learners (Part 2)

Part one of this story can be found at   by Lydia Carnesale Miedo Beautiful shells…

Unshadowing the power of language(s): Building the confidence of multilingual learners (Part 1)

by Lydia Carnesale Quien soy yo, Identity strapped to language flow. How can my knowledge grow? Can you hear me? Borrando lo que es natural, Systems bind linguistic diversity. When understanding…

mCrED Program Update – Fall 2023

The mCrED team at the University of South Carolina College of Education offers micro-credentials and supports to K-12 educators in South Carolina to personalize their professional learning…

Personalized Learning: It’s Not Just for Kids

by Dr. Sarah Bowie Six pairs of eyes focus on the Smart Board screen at the front of the room and on me as I click to the final slide of the presentation on goal setting with reading strategies.…

Unpacking Problems? Invite Teachers to the Table

by Dottie Adams, 8th grade science teacher, Hand Middle School, Richland County School District One “Be brave, be kind, and be an includer.” These are the words that we say to our daughter and son…

South Carolina Among States Looking to Micro-Credentials to Reduce Teacher Turnover

by Bev Perdue, Governor of North Carolina (2009-2013) Chair and Founder, digiLEARN Recently, South Carolina State Superintendent of Education Molly Spearman said, “If we are truly committed to…

Personalized Professional Learning: The Parachute Leaders Need

by  Katrina L. Singletary, Director of Secondary Education, School District of Newberry County Imagine you’re preparing to jump out of an airplane, and your instructor informs you your parachute may…

An Alternative Certification Pathway You Want to Support

By Kathy Schwalbe Recently, a South Carolina teacher posed a question about policymakers continuing to entertain the idea of “shortcuts” for people to become teachers in our state. She asked, “How do…